Views: 564
Last Modified: 02.09.2024
Attention! After creating additional site, you must delete default site, created upon installation, if it's not being used.
Additional Site Creation Wizard permits deployment of several sites on the same Virtual Appliance on independent Bitrix24 installations as well as a part of multi-siting.
The following steps are required to create an additional site:
Attention! If the ext_kernel option was selected and the kernel is installed into /home/bitrix/ext_www/{host_name},
then this kernel will not appear in the Virtual Appliance site list, until at least one site (link) to this kernel is created.
Attention! Task execution may take a rather long time (up to 2-3 hours and more) depending on the task complexity, data volume used in such tasks, capacity and server load. You can check the currently executed tasks by using menu item 8. Background tasks in the pool > 1. View running tasks. If task completion log files are needed to be reviewed, they are located in the following directory /opt/webdir/temp