Views: 7062
Last Modified: 09.10.2024

File converter module limitations:
  1. File converter module requires the File conversion server module that is available only in the Bitrix24 Enterprise edition.
  2. Site with configured File converter module cannot be deleted: you have to delete the module first and only then delete the site.
  3. File converter module cannot be moved to a separate server in the pool (cluster).
  4. Only a single File converter module can be installed for a single Virtual Appliance.

File converter module can be configured as follows:

  1. In the Virtual Appliance main menu, select the item 11. Configure Transformer service – 1. Configure Transformer service:

  2. Enter a site name (vm1.local in the example):

  3. Before installing the Transformer module, the system shows installed software details. After that, it launches task configure_transformer_**********, which:

    • installs packages erlang, rabbitmq, libreoffice6.4, ffmpeg and corresponding associations;
    • configures modules the File converter (Transformer) and File conversion server (Transformer controller) for a specified site.

  4. When installation is complete, tasks in modules Transformer controller and Transformer will contain all the required settings.

  5. Then, ensure that Bitrix24 Settings public or administrative UI sections inside the Drive module settings (Settings – Product settings – Module Settings – Drive) have the installed option View documents using Bitrix24.

  6. All is ready for use.

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