Views: 16563
Last Modified: 05.04.2022

  1. For operations, described in this chapter, knowledge of *nix-systems administration is required. Prior to start of these operations, it is recommended to perform full backup of Bitrix Virtual Appliance.
  2. Provided settings are listed outside the scope of the Virtual Appliance menu. This means that the details below are provided for informational purposes only and should be used with clear understanding of your actions and under your own liability. Bitrix24 technical support reviews the questions related to Virtual Appliance menu items only.

  Manual activation

In addition to enabling specific PHP-extensions from the BitrixEnv menu, the required extensions can be connected manually.

Configuration ini-files for the available php-extensions are located in the directory /etc/php.d/:

To manually enable a required extension, the file {name_extension}.ini.disabled must be renamed to {name_extension}.ini and the Apache service must be re-launched – httpd.


For example, extension dom must be enabled.

  1. Go to server directory /etc/php.d/:

    cd /etc/php.d/
  2. Print list of files in the directory:

  3. Find the file 20-dom.ini.disabled in the list, rename it for 20-dom.ini, save and replace the current file:

    mv 20-dom.ini.disabled 20-dom.ini

    Attention! If the content of 20-dom.ini.disabled is copied into 20-dom.ini and those two files are kept in the directory /etc/php.d/, then the dom-extension will deactivated when the PHP or Virtual Appliance are updated. To avoid this, only one file 20-dom.ini must be kept with the active extension.

  4. Re-launch the Apache service – httpd:

    • CentOS 6:

      service httpd restart
    • CentOS 7:

      systemctl restart httpd.service
  5. The procedure is completed, extension is dom operational:

  Setting a php-extension, unavailable in BitrixVA

You can also set any php-extension manually.

For example, set the extension php-imap.

First, find name for ph-extension using the command:

yum list php-imap*

Next, set using the command:

yum install php-imap

Creates the file /etc/php.d/20-imap.ini upon installation.

Then, re-launch the httpd service.

All is ready, php-extension imap is operational:

Note: some php-extensions can automatically be enabled after installation. When ini-file weren't created during setting of the extension, you need to create it manually.

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