Views: 21605
Last Modified: 30.08.2022

Important! Before issuing the Let’s Encrypt certificate, make sure that you have created a site at the host (also available from the Internet), to which the certificate is issued, as well as that DNS settings for DNS hoster and registrator for this domain are configured correctly. Otherwise the certificate won't be issued. Plus, there is a limit – 5 errors for certificate issue per hour and per account for one domain.

The following is required to create the Let’s Encrypt SSL certificate:

  • Go to menu 8. Manage web nodes in the pool > 3. Configure certificates:

  • Select the menu item 1. Configure "Let's encrypt" certificate and enter site name (or several site names), for which the Let's encrypt certificates must be issued (in this example:, enter DNS name (-s), email for Lets Encrypt service notifications and confirm the input:

  • The wizard itself will request and install the certificate within several minutes. Paths of SSL certificates will be specified in the same section:

  • It is easy to check the issued certificate – just go to your site via https protocol and the valid certificate will have a green coloured 'lock' icon:

Support of several sites is available, separated by comma. Certificate validity period – 90 days. Certificate re-issuing is launched automatically, approx. one month prior to its expiration.

Important! Lets Encrypt service has limits for issuing certificates. The main ones are as follows:
  • Issue of 50 certificates per week for domains (from registration for registered domains, subdomains are not included).
  • If you have a lot of subdomains, all subdomains can be specified in a single certificate. However, there is a limit of 100 subdomains per single certificate.
  • Five errors per 1 hour of certificate issue per account for one domain (host is unavailable, records in domain DNS are not specified and etc.).
  • HTTP-01 validation is performed only via port 80. In case this port is closed (for example, by a provider), then certification won't be re-issued.

Please, find additional details about limits of Let’s Encrypt in this Rate Limits article.

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