Views: 6328
Last Modified: 02.09.2024

Why Ansible was selected for management?

Ansible is a configuration management system with declarative markup language used for configurations description and automating software setup and deployment.

Ansible is easy to setup and only ssh-access to server is required for it to operate. There is an easy access point, both in terms of available configuration scenarios (ini-, yml- and json formats), templates (jinja2), as well as in terms of plugin writing using sufficient available languages (bash and etc.). Ansible has a clear documentation and a large support community with significant database with examples.

Bitrix Virtual Appliance has the following setup: BitrixVA menu can select, how to proceed (configure SSL certificate, create site, enable cron jobs for site and etc.), and then task is initiated via the interface to implement the update via API - this is exactly the ansible-based scenario with all required options.

Note: detailed documentation for Ansible can be found at the official website.

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