Views: 5101
Last Modified: 10.10.2012

All components included in the product supply are developed with use of the message files. This mechanism allows to use the same components for interfaces on different languages. For example, a component for news displaying can be used for sites both in English or German.

For each component or component group is created a description file .description.php. This file contains description of the component control panel:

  • names of adjusted parameters;
  • formats of fields used for parameter values assignment;
  • default values of some parameters;
  • etc.

Also this file can contain rules or functions used for defining some necessary source data and values. For example, descriptions for the information blocks components are stored in the file: /bitrix/modules/iblock/install/templates/iblock/.description.php.

More detailed description of the visual components structure and work is given in the Components 2.0 training course.

Courses developed by Bitrix24