Views: 6377
Last Modified: 10.10.2012

Calling components on a site page is implemented with use of the function IncludeFile(). The following parameters are used as the function attributes:

  • path to the file with required component source code;
  • properties assigned (by user) for placed on a page component.
// this component displays an information block element detailed information
$APPLICATION->IncludeFile("iblock/catalog/element.php", Array(
    "IBLOCK_TYPE"       => "catalog",                          // Information block type
    "IBLOCK_ID"         => "21",                               // Information block
    "ELEMENT_ID"        => $_REQUEST["ID"],                    // Element ID 
    "SECTION_URL"       => "/catalog/phone/section.php?",      // URL to the information block section page
    "LINK_IBLOCK_TYPE"  => "catalog",                          // Type of information block elements of wich are linked with current element
    "LINK_IBLOCK_ID"    => "22",                               // ID of information block elements of wich are linked with current element
    "LINK_PROPERTY_SID" => "PHONE_ID",                         // Property containing the link between information blocks elements 
    "LINK_ELEMENTS_URL" => "/catalog/accessory/byphone.php?",  // URL to the page with list of linked elements
    "arrFIELD_CODE" => Array(                                  // Fields
    "arrPROPERTY_CODE" => Array(                               // Properties
    "CACHE_TIME"        => "3600",                              // Cache time

Files pertaining to a component can be stored in the following directories:

  • in the folder of a module to which this component relates (i.e. in the product kernel). For example, the information blocks components are stored in the following folders:

    /bitrix/modules/iblock/install/templates/iblock/news/ or /bitrix/modules/iblock/install/templates/iblock/catalog/;

  • in the folder of site template for which these components were customized. For example:

    /bitrix/templates/<template_ID>/iblock/news/ or /bitrix/templates/<template_ID>/iblock/catalog/;

  • в in the default templates folder. For example:

    /bitrix/templates/.default/iblock/news/ or /bitrix/templates/.default/iblock/catalog/.

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