Views: 4415
Last Modified: 10.10.2012

The page or web-browser title can be modified the following ways:

  • durin the page creating or edditing in the visual HTML editor mode:
    • the document title is assigned in the Page title field:

      Click to enlarge
    • the page property Additional title of page (for browser window) is used for defining web-browser window title:

      Click to enlarge

    Preliminapy the "Additional title of page (for browser window)" property (the property with the "title" code)must be created. This property is included in product supply and is utilize for syte pages by defaulte. More detailed information on page property management is available in the "Page and section properties".

    Assigned properties values are saved automatically in the page code.

  • during editing page "as text":

    Click to enlarge
  • during editing page "as PHP":

    Click to enlarge
Using the folder properties you can assign Additional title of page (for browser window) that will be used for all stored in this folder pages by defaulte.

Click to enlarge  Click to enlarge

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