Views: 6126
Last Modified: 06.09.2013

The Bitrix Site Manager allows creating and utilizing templates for work (main) and include page areas. Templates utilizing makes work with page having a complex structure (layout) easier and faster.

All page and include area templates are stored in the /page_templates/ directory located in the corresponding template folder or in the folder .default (if these page templates are used for all site templates).

Creating a new page in HTML editor mode you can just choose necessary page template in the list and than add page content.

List of available page templates is created with use of .content.php file. This file is also stored in the /page_templates/ directory in the corresponding site template folder. This file contains associative array of page templates and their names intended for displaying in the list.

if(!defined("B_PROLOG_INCLUDED") || B_PROLOG_INCLUDED!==true)die();
$TEMPLATE["standard.php"] = Array("name"=>"Standard page (Default template)", "sort"=>1);
$TEMPLATE["page_inc.php"] = Array("name"=>"Include area for page", "sort"=>2);
$TEMPLATE["sect_inc.php"] = Array("name"=>"Include area for section", "sort"=>3);

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