Views: 2259
Last Modified: 28.08.2023

Sometimes, Bitrix24 products integration with information systems of a specific organization require strict devision of user permissions inside individual company for accessing corporate portal resources or site and its management. Standard solution for this issue is to create several Bitrix Framework user groups with various level and employee distribution per such groups.

The AD/LDAP connector module allows excluding duplicate operations Administrator can encounter the necessity to duplicate already existing user groups in corporate networks in a Bitrix Framework system.

To update level of permissions or add a new user simultaneously in both corporate network and Bitrix Framework system, you'll have repeat the setup twice:

1) edit/create a user account inside corporate network;

perform the same operation in Bitrix Framework.
and reduce time and labour expenditures for managing user groups in a corporate IT system. This module allows establish a match between corporate network and Bitrix Framework user groups, organizing a centralized management for all user groups within corporate IT system.


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